Humans May Have Shared the Earth With Dinosaurs

For years, it’s been believed that dinosaurs died off 65 million years ago. However, recent discoveries are beginning to challenge that idea, and even suggest that dinosaurs may have walked the earth at the same time as humans. A triceratops horn that was discovered in Montana has been Carbon dated to an age around 33,500 years. The horn isn’t the only example of evidence pointing to this theory. Numerous Carbon-14 tests have been performed on dinosaur bones, and have consistently returned results that date in the thousands of years rather than the millions. In addition to the C-14 tests, there’s been instances of soft tissue being found in T-Rex bones, and even ancient cave paintings depicting pictures of dinosaurs.

This is important because we’ve been learning that dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years since we were in elementary school. It challenges a scientific idea that has been widely accepted for decades, and shows that we may have been teaching something that isn’t true all this time. These findings prove that skepticism is always important. Even when we think we know all that there is to know, there’s always more to learn.

My opinion is that no one should assume either idea is the truth, as there could be some level of error in both methods of dating. However, I don’t think we should continue teaching the 65 million year theory in schools when there’s evidence showing that it may be wrong. Though it’s widely accepted that dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years, Hugh Miller, the man who found the triceratops bone, has been pushing his peers to try C-14 dating on other samples. However, most scientists refuse to even attempt this method. I believe that they could give it a chance, because something could be discovered that completely reinvents what we think we know about the past.

More about using the Carbon-14 method to date dinosaur bones:

24 thoughts on “Humans May Have Shared the Earth With Dinosaurs

  1. I think this is an interesting topic. I don’t know if I believe it though. I think that if we were living with dinasours at one point they are such huge animals we would’ve noticed them. It is something that is interesting and could be proven wrong though so it’s good that scientists are looking into it more deeply.

  2. That’s kind of scary.. Obviously it wouldn’t be any time near when we have been alive or any of our family but it’s still kind of weird because we have learned for so long that dinosaurs have been extinct way way way before humans have ever lived. To think there were humans and dinosaurs at the same time would be bad, or scary I guess. What do you believe?

  3. It is very interesting that people are getting this different information about dinosaurs. I think it is possible that there were some on earth when the human race was here. I think this is a good chance for people to really discover something. What kind of dinosaurs were on earth the longest?

  4. I agree that they should give it a chance. This could make a huge difference in our history if it turns out dinosaurs were around longer than we think. This is a very intriguing article and a great new discovery.

  5. I agree I don’t think we should just not do further research because we are told one thing. It’s kind of crazy to think that we could have shared the Earth with dinosaurs. This makes me realize that sometimes it is good to be skeptical

  6. Great article! I haven’t heard anything about this, but I sure am peeved I was taught information that’s questionable! I like to think maybe the people who made the Flintstones were trying to tell us something.

  7. I cannot begin to image living in a world with dinosaurs. Every day would be a scary adventure. I have never really loved science, but I think that this is an example of why it can be so wicked: it’s ever changing. This certainly something interesting to think about.

  8. I found your blog very interesting! I really like that this challenges a scientific idea! I also agree that no one should assume either of the ideas are true. I really think someone should give it a chance and do the C14 dating of the sample.

  9. That’s really crazy to think that they possibly have been around not as long ago as we think. I agree with you that they should not be teaching students how long ago that is has been without having evidence to prove it. Now that they are finding more and more with technology we could discover the truth behind it.

  10. I completely agree with you that if there is evidence that they might still be around then we should not be teaching that they are extinct. I think that it’s really shocking that they are finding evidence when we thought they have been extinct for 65 million years. I’m really interested to see what else they find.

  11. Very interesting article. You’re right we shouldn’t be skeptical because honestly we don’t know. And with technology growing so quickly who knows maybe this theory will be proven to be true. And maybe in a couple generations it will be taught in schools that dinosaurs did roam the earth with humans.

  12. I think this is very intersting, I always wondered if the whole thing about dinosaurs dying before humans existed was true. But it’s amazing what people can do now with technology to actually see how long ago this was!! Thanks for sharing (:

  13. I’ve never heard any other theory besides the one we were taught as little kids. The theory that we might have coexisted with dinosaurs might not affect anything in our lives today but it is important in the scientific and historical world. If we find new information we should look more deeply into it and try to find errors in our previous discoveries. Just because what we previously knew turned out to be wrong we shouldn’t just shrug our shoulders and forget about it. New discoveries and changing of theories is important to future generations so they can continue on with the things we have worked on.

  14. This was interesting. When I think of dinosaurs I think of millions and millions of years ago with no human interaction. It’s weird to think that people could of actually lived around such a strange and dangerous creature. Do you think with all these samples of DNA/tissue we could create what roamed the earth 65 million years ago?

  15. The most important thing you said in your presentation is that we can’t just blindly accept information. We need a world full of critical thinkers! We need to at least remain open to new ideas and new evidence. There is always room for learning something new and allowing it to shape the way we view the world.

  16. I agree with what you said about schools teaching the 65 million year theory. This article has very good evidence about how life on Earth with dinosaurs could be possible. I always thought dinosaurs were extinct long before humans were on Earth but this changes my opinion completely.

  17. If this is true this would rewrite history! This would be a major break in science and rewrite the theory of the dinosaurs! This would be a major breakthrough! If this is true it is cool to think that what we all imagined as little kids is true! Living with the dinosaurs. I know I always thought that but then in school that thought is shot down by a current theory. If this is true, this would make many little kids dreams a reality.

  18. I can see the point of not teaching us what we’ve been taught all our lives, but this is fairly new information, correct? I think dinosaurs should be discussed without a timeline. Giving a definite timeline to everything is really confusing to people because it’s so hard to prove it. I agree with not believing everything we are told. Being curious about what is fact and what isn’t is how we learn!

  19. To think that at some point humans and dinosaurs lived on earth to together is crazy. I agree we shouldn’t believe this is for sure true. Wouldn’t it be a good thing to test the sample? A lot of people may be thinking about this and wanting to know answers on its truth.

  20. I think that is is very important to challenge theories or views every once and awhile because I find that we all just get into a routine of sorts and just believe and accept what other people tell us without really questioning them. What is your opinion on the way that scientist date bones and how they take criticism on their views? I mean science is all about pushing limits and finding new things right?

  21. Hearing there is a possibility that humans could’ve lived in the same age as dinosaurs is amazing to me, especially since I’ve been taught so differently my whole life. I thought those facts were scientifically proven, but now it makes me rethink everything.

  22. I enjoyed the topic. I think it would of been cool to live in the same time with dinosaurs. But I think it wouldn’t end well

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